Dear ARML Team,

This email contains a lot of updated logistics for our trip to Reno. Please read it carefully, even if you’ve already reviewed my previous messages. Let us know if you have any questions.


Our itinerary has been updated from my previous email, including a lot of updated information from ARML’s newly published program. We have also appointed a “bus leader” at each location. Contact information for the bus leaders are now listed in the itinerary. Don’t print this out – additional updates to the itinerary are expected (this link will always take you to the latest version), and printed copies of the latest itinerary will be distributed to all students upon arrival in Reno.

Updated 2024 ARML Itinerary

We have also updated bus assignments based on the requests that we’ve received. Please see the end of this email for an updated roster and find your assigned pickup location. If you’d like to board the bus at a different pickup location, please reply to this email and let us know. We will try to accommodate such requests within the constraints of capacity limits for our two buses.

Alternate Transportation

For those of you traveling independently, you should see “parent” listed in the table below. If this table is incorrect, please reply to this email and let us know – we need to get the roster right.

If you are traveling independently, you should plan to meet the following drop-off and pickup times:

  • Friday May 31: Drop-off between 1:30pm and 2:00pm in the lobby of Argenta Hall.
  • Saturday June 1: Pickup between 3:15pm and 3:30pm in the lobby of Argenta Hall.

If you are listed as traveling independently, I will be in touch via email on Friday morning with a contact phone number for the staff member who will meet you for the drop-off on Friday afternoon.

Team and Coach Assignments

As mentioned in my previous updates, we needed to move some people around between our regional teams in order to have teams of exactly 15 people each. We have now done so, and everyone affected has been notified of their new team assignments. The updated team lists are below. Students can join each team’s Discord channel by reacting in #roles (a server invite is available by clicking on the Discord icon on the team website).

Additionally, we have assigned at least two coaches/chaperones to each team. These coaches are the primary contacts for each team during the trip, and will be hosting all team meetings. Contact information for team coaches are listed at the end of the itinerary (linked above).

Student Phone Numbers

Thank you to those who have already submitted a student cell phone number for the trip. If you have not yet done so, please use the form below to report your cell phone number. Note that this should be the number of a cell phone that If you’ll be carrying with you on the trip. If you will not have a cell phone on the trip, please indicate that on the form.

Student Cell Phone Number Form

Permission Slips

Permission slips were sent a few days ago via Dropbox Sign to all parents, using the parent email address that was submitted in the Information Sheet last month. Thank you to the vast majority of you who have completed the paperwork. If you have not yet completed the permission slip, please do so as soon as possible. No student may attend ARML without a completed permission slip.

Packing List Reminders

A few updates to the packing list:

  • Please pack a snack or lunch with you on the bus. Due to our planned schedule this year, we will not be making a lunch stop, and food options are limited when we arrive on campus. As noted in the itinerary, an early dinner will be provided on campus.
  • Toiletries will not be provided - you should pack shampoo. Linens will be provided, which includes sheets, towels, blankets, and pillow.
  • For those returning to ARML, it is team tradition to wear your oldest ARML shirt on the bus. You’ll see many of our coaches wearing shirts from when they participated in ARML as students. :)

As always, if you have any questions, please let us know!

–Moor and the rest of the SFBA/NorCal coaching staff

Travel Roster

Redacted for the website – email if you need assistance.