Dear ARML Team,

A few quick reminders about today’s ARML Local competition, including answers to some frequently asked questions…

What is ARML Local?

ARML Local is a “mini-ARML”, written by ARML’s problem writers. Teams will be ranked nationally and winners will be recognized at the awards ceremony in Reno on June 1.

For information about the competition, you can review the ARML Local Competitor Instructions.

How do I participate?

We are hosting ARML Local in two times and places:

  • Bay Area: Sunday, 4/21 @ 11am, Garden House, Shoup Park, Los Altos
  • Sacramento Area: Sunday, 4/21 @ 2pm, UC Davis Shields Library Room 162

There is no need to register in advance, though we do ask that you come on-time. The competition will take approximately 4 hours to complete. Our target end time in the Bay Area is 3pm.

How are teams formed?

Please be prompt as we’ll need to form teams on the spot for ARML Local. We’ll ask everyone to sign in upon arrival and coordinate team formation. Feel free to bring friends if you have anyone who you’d like on your team.

What if I have a time conflict?

You don’t have to participate in ARML Local in order to compete with us in Reno at ARML. We do treat ARML Local as a tryout opportunity, but we will have other tryout opportunities, and you’re not required to attend every tryout. For information about tryouts, see our Practices page.

On the flip side, you’re welcome to attend ARML Local even if you can’t make it to ARML.

What can parents do during ARML Local?

For those of you coming to Los Altos, while you’re not required to stick around, you’re welcome to do so. I’ll be available to answer any questions that you have about ARML, and we’ll have some extra tables and chairs if you need a space to relax.

In order for us to be most efficient, we could also use a few volunteers to help us distribute test papers and proctor the competition. If you’re available to help, please let us know when you arrive, and we’d really appreciate your help.

Please email us at if you have any additional questions, and we’re looking forward to seeing many of you today!

–Moor and the rest of the SFBA/NorCal coaching staff