Dear ARML Team,
We have made a few final adjustments to the itinerary, and the latest version is in the link below. The main change is that we’ve swapped some coach assignments between different teams, especially A4. A printed copy of this document will be given to every student and chaperone upon arrival in Reno.
At the end of this email is an updated list of bus group assignments reflecting all of the changes that I’ve recorded over the past day. Please verify your information, and continue to let me know if you need to make changes (for example, if you are traveling independently and have not yet emailed me, I need to know ASAP).
As a reminder, if you have not yet provided your cell phone number for the trip, please do so on the Student Cell Phone Number Form.
If you missed any previous information that we’ve provided in the past few days, emails are archived on the website for you to review.
Other documents that you may wish to review prior to the trip:
As always, if you have any questions, please let us know!
–Moor and the rest of the SFBA/NorCal coaching staff
Travel Roster
Redacted for the website – email if you need assistance.