NOT YET UPDATED FOR 2025 – Check back in mid-March for updates!

Frequently Asked Questions

I need to take the SAT on the same day as ARML. What do I do?

If you really, really have to take the SAT during ARML weekend (for instance, if you’re a junior and haven’t taken it yet), you are probably out of luck. We would advise taking the SAT on a different date if possible.

How do I sign up?

Follow the instructions here.

When do I have to sign up and pay?

Sign up and pay by April 23rd. We will not be able to accomodate late registrations after this date.

How do I sign up as a chaperone?

Follow the instructions here.

I followed all the sign-up instructions and paid the fee prior to April 23rd. Am I accepted onto the team?

If your ContestDojo account shows that you have submitted payment, welcome to the team!

How do I pay the ARML fee?

The fee can be paid online on ContestDojo. You do not have to pay when you fill out the Information Sheet, but you have not committed to attending until you pay the fee.

What if I’m not sure yet whether or not I want to go to ARML?

Fill out the Information Sheet so we can send you updates and announcements. Do not submit payment on ContestDojo yet, though keep in mind that if you want to go to ARML, you must commit and pay by April 23rd.

What if I have a conflict with part of the trip?

In order to participate in ARML, you must be present for all the rounds. If you need to arrange alternative forms of travel, let us know immediately, and we’ll see if we can work something out. Do not make alternative travel arrangements to ARML until instructed to do so by the staff.

I signed up but can’t go to ARML anymore. What do I do?

Refer to the section in the Team Policies about withdrawing from the team. Your ARML fees cannot be refunded, and withdrawing may have a negative effect on your team placement in future years.

Are my contest scores good enough to attend ARML?

ARML is open to all students in Northern California, regardless of contest scores. If you want an idea of what ARML problems are like, you can find a copy of previous years’ contests online.

Am I old enough for ARML?

SFBA/NorCal ARML is open to students of all ages who are in grade 12 or below. Most of our students are in grades 6-12, but younger students have joined the team in the past. Parents of students in grades 5 or below that are interested in ARML should contact the coaching staff at for more information.

Who chaperones the trip?

Supervision during the trip is provided by a combination of coaches and parent volunteers. Students are supervised throughout the trip, including on the bus, van, or other vehicles used to transport the team to the competition. At least two chaperones are assigned to each 15-member team.

I want to travel separately to ARML with my parents. What do I do?

Contact the coaching staff. All students MUST be supervised during travel, so any student not traveling on the bus or other approved vehicle must be dropped off and picked up in Reno by a parent or guardian. Students who travel unsupervised will not be allowed to participate in ARML in any way and will not be eligible for any refund of ARML fees.

What happens at ARML besides the contest?

Students arrive Friday afternoon. Team meetings and practices are held after arrival, followed by some time for students to rest before the competition begins. ARML sometimes holds an optional event on Friday night; students either attend this event, hang out in the dorm with their teammates, or both. After the contest on Saturday, we will have a team meeting, then take the bus back home.

What about t-shirts?

As is ARML tradition, we design a team t-shirt every year. Students (and chaperones!) are invited to submit designs for the t-shirt, which will be voted on by the entire team. Detailed instructions will be sent out by email, but plan to have your design ready by April 25th.